19th April 2010
Veterinary associations have welcomed the High Court ruling that the Welsh Assembly Government's decision to implement a targeted badger cull to tackle TB is lawful.
18th April 2010
Vets highlight the role of livestock and livestock keepers in the fight against global poverty.
15th April 2010
A new collaborative project aims to secure the well-being of millions of farm animals for years to come, thanks to a 2.7 million grant by the Tubney Charitable Trust.
14th April 2010
The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has appealed to parliamentary candidates to commit to practical measures towards TB eradication.
14th April 2010
Scientists have found proteins in egg whites that could be used to fight poultry infections.
13th April 2010
The farming industry has called on the next government - whatever its colour - to throw its weight behind training for farmers
6th April 2010
Farmers who make the commitment to land management schemes aimed at protecting biodiversity and the natural environment also provide additional income, employment and other social benefits for their local communities, a recent report has shown.
6th April 2010
The introduction of a new broad spectrum anthelmintic group on to the UK market is an important addition.
1st April 2010
The NFU has called for retailers to show more commitment to sourcing British beef and lamb after the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) released its latest figures for the amount of British beef and lamb found on supermarket shelves.
31st March 2010
The VMD has issued an authorisation for Badger BCG vaccine. This is the first tuberculosis vaccine authorised for use in badgers in the UK.
31st March 2010
Compensation payable during April 2010 for a bovine animal compulsorily slaughtered for disease control purposes have been detailed on the Defra website.
31st March 2010
Proposals to simplify and improve the rules around livestock movements have been published.