New guidance has been published to help practice managers to employ overseas veterinary graduates with the necessary linguistic and clinical skills.
Many foreign veterinary graduates register to work in the UK every year. It is hoped the advice will help employers to uphold the reputation of the profession and make it easier to understand the differences between graduates from various veterinary schools across Europe.
The guidance has been developed by the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA), who stress that while employers should not discriminate based on nationality, language or place of graduation, they have a duty to ensure employees can perform their role safely and effectively.
Former BEVA president Tim Greet said "…it seems only common sense to make sure that a new employee, from whatever background, can cope with the necessary level of communication, so fundamental in modern veterinary practice.
"A certain level of practical skill should also be expected to avoid compromise to patient welfare and to underpin continued professional development."
The guidance includes:
- Advice on interpreting English Language Qualification test results
- A list of European veterinary schools that are not approved by the European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education
- A reminder that extra mural studies are only compulsory for veterinary students in the UK and Ireland
BEVA's president elect Mark Bowen commented: "At a time when politicians are debating language skills amongst medical graduates, it is useful to remind employers of the complex language skills required to provide the public with the service they expect.
"This guidance should assist employers in identifying the skilled workforce they need, while navigating the complexities of different English Language Qualifications and different veterinary qualifications."
View the guidance on BEVA's website: http://www.beva.org.uk/_uploads/documents/language-skills-in-non-uk-gradutes.pdf