Dr Robert 'Bertie' Ellis
1. The McKelvey report identified serious deficiencies at the RCVS that are not satisfactory for a professional body. What would you change?
There has to be better scrutiny of large financial projects, including their necessity, and the monetary control. There has to be better discussion of general strategy. For instance, in terms of IT provision, it is a general acceptance that a mature organisation will spend between 4 to 8% of turnover on IT provision (Gartner IT metrics). In terms of the RCVS, this could be £3-500,000. Is this really necessary to provide for 25000 vets?
2. The RCVS has been accused of being disconnected from its members. What do you think can be done to improve this?
The RCVS is the controlling body for the profession, and there is a sense that it cannot be made too cuddly. However, better communication in what it expects its members to do is necessary.
3. How would you restore trust in the RCVS, if elected and how can the RCVS become more transparent in the future?
See above. There is not a single answer, but there needs to be an accumulation of explanation. The strategy needs to be supported by realistic tactical and measurable objectives. There is always a danger of running the RCVS as a company and assuming it needs to constantly expand.
4. After closing its VN awarding body the RCVS introduced a significant "regulatory fee" for student nurses, which has been viewed by some as grossly unfair. What is your opinion?
This demonstrates the lack of clear strategy. There is an argument that the VN profession should be separate from the RCVS and it is not clear what the future aim, or desire of both parties is. At the moment you have a peculiar ersatz VN profession which behaves as such but is not independent. There is a problem that this would need separate legislation under the rule of DEFRA and there may be a feeling that if the VNs were separate, then DEFRA might take the opportunity to upgrade their usefulness in farm work to the detriment of vets (e.g. TB testing). I would like to see a strategic debate on where we think the future of both professions lie.
5. In the current climate of de-regulation and reducing costs, what cuts would you advise in RCVS expenditure and activities?
On my general theme, there are areas of activity, such as PSS, which need to be looked at. As an example, this is a voluntary scheme, which in itself is peculiar for a regulatory body to be running. There is an argument that this is much more of a BVA activity. I would look at the location of the RCVS in London, there may be an argument to move this to another area of the UK, which could reduce costs. I would like to see a better explanation of the future after LRO when there will be a large rump of councillors with little to do. The core function of the RCVS is registration, education, and discipline. All other activities should be scrutinised for value for money or necessity.
MRCVS.co.uk would like to thank Bertie for providing this information and wish him every success in the upcoming election.