Coughing in calves should be investigated
The chairman of Ruminant Health & Welfare (RH&W) is urging farmers to investigate the causes of pneumonia and coughing in calves, and check the mycoplasma status of their herd. Livestock farmers are advised to understand the potential risks of mycoplasma and plan disease management accordingly.
Although many herds are mycoplasma free, according to recent data, the bacteria is widespread across the UK. It is therefore important to include serological investigation when screening cattle before they are turned out, or when calves are tested for Bovine Respiratory Disease (BVD).
There are 13 mycoplasma species known to affect cattle, but most do not cause disease. Mycoplasma bovis is recognised as a significant pathogen for cattle, most commonly involved in respiratory disease in calves, but can also cause mastitis, arthritis/synovitis, and otitis.
Mycoplasma bovis is usually spread when cattle come into close contact with an infected animal, but it can also be spread by unhygienic milking practices. It is usually introduced via a carrier animal that’s brought into a herd.
Mycoplasma species can be difficult to treat because they lack a cell wall, making antibiotics such as penicillins ineffective. The organisms also have the ability to change the surface proteins to evade the cow’s immune responses, and an ability to produce a sugar matrix (biofilm) so that it can temporarily hide from both the immune system and antibiotic treatment.
RH&W chairman Nigel Miller told the Farmers Guide: “Even if clinical pneumonia is avoided, coughs signal the loss of performance in the herd.
“Dairy beef systems are particularly at risk due to a combination of factors including calves receiving sub-optimal passive immunity, the mixing of calves from herds of different mycoplasma status, and instances of poor hygiene in calf rearing units.
“Although the use of vaccines can play a positive role, farmers need to look at all aspects of health management with their vet, including the environment, hygiene, immunity, monitoring and management of infection pressures.”