Defra unprepared for Brexit, report reveals

Defra is among the government departments that will be most affected by Brexit.
Defra is unprepared for Brexit due to budget cuts and a lack of clarity, according to a new report.
According to Whitehalls’ preparation for the UK’ exit from the EU, Defra is among the government departments that will be most affected by Brexit.
It says the department is facing ‘challenging savings targets’ and a ‘lack of clarity’ about what is required before talks get underway.
The paper was published by the Institute for Government on Wednesday (14 December).
It reveals that Defra’s budget is now 17 per cent smaller than it was six years ago, and will be nearly 35 per cent smaller by March 2019.
It adds that Defra is delivering an ambitious programme of reform to streamline the department and its 33 agencies.
Responding to the report a Defra spokesperson said: “The resourcing of EU Exit work is one of the key priorities of the Department and will be subject to on-going assessment.
“Work continues to identify the number of dedicated posts required in the long term to deliver a successful EU Exit”.
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