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Report reveals rise in ‘fake animal rescues’
Fake animal rescue accounts generate revenue from social media interaction.
Content sees animals harmed before the creator ‘rescues’ them.

The Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC) has published a new report, which reveals a concerning rise in fake animal rescue videos.

The content, which often sees animals intentionally harmed or put in danger, is published to generate revenue for the social media accounts, at the expense of animal welfare.

In these videos, animals will often appear to be abandoned, trapped or attacked by predators. The content creator will then appear to rescue them from the situation. It is unclear what happens to the animals after the ‘rescue’.

These images and videos attract millions of views, generating the account revenue through interactions such as ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. Some content will include an appeal to viewers to make a direct donation.

The report from SMACC, Spot the Scam: Unmasking Fake Animal Rescues, found that the animals being ‘rescued’ most commonly were kittens, puppies and young monkeys.

The majority of this content (47.7 per cent) was found on Facebook. The most common theme was animals which had been supposedly ‘abandoned’ – with 30.9 per cent of posts across all platforms following this theme.

The coalition, consisting of 29 organisations including Born Free, is calling for action to tackle fake rescue content and protect the animals featuring in the videos.

SMACC has particularly appealed to the companies behind the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X and YouTube. It has provided these companies with clear and detailed guidance to identify the ‘rescues’ which have been faked.

It is also working with members of the public to make sure they are not unknowingly increasing the problem by engaging with the content.

Social media users are asked to not intentionally watch, share or engage with this content. This includes disliking the post or writing comments condemning the practice.

Any interactions with the posts increase their popularity and, in many cases, their profitability.

Mark Jones, head of policy at Born Free, said: ‘Spot the Scam: Unmasking Fake Animal Rescues’ exposes the scale of this issue and the extreme suffering and distress inflicted on the affected animals, who are often repeatedly abused for the purpose.

“This detailed and sobering report must act as a long-overdue wake-up call for social media platforms to ensure such content is identified and taken down without delay, in order to disincentivise the perpetrators from creating such vile content.”

The uncensored report, which contains some graphic images, can be found here. Alternatively, view the censored report here.

Image © Shutterstock

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New guidelines published for wildlife disease surveillance

News Story 1
 A set of international guidelines for disease surveillance in wildlife has been updated for the first time since 2015.

Released by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the World Organisation for Animal Health, General Guidelines for Surveillance of Diseases, Pathogens and Toxic Agents in Free-ranging Wildlife is designed to help wildlife authorities and others working with wildlife carry out effective surveillance programmes.

The document, which cover areas including choosing appropriate strategies, safety and biosafety protocols, and ethical and legal considerations, can be read here.  

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News Shorts
Farmer survey to reveal on-farm impact of bluetongue

A nationwide survey has been launched to better understand how the bluetongue virus is affecting UK farms.

Results will inform the support that farmers receive for bluetongue, as well as preparing the livestock industry for the future.

The short online survey is open to all livestock farmers, regardless of whether they've had a confirmed case of bluetongue on their farm. It asks how many animals have been affected, the severity of their clinical signs and how it has impacted farm business.

The survey takes five minutes to complete and is fully anonymous.

It is led by Fiona Lovatt, of Flock Health Limited, and the Ruminant Health & Welfare bluetongue working group, in collaboration with AHDB and the University of Nottingham.

Dr Lovatt says: "We need to find out what level of clinical signs farmers are seeing in their animals, whether they are experiencing mortality with BTV-3 cases, and what their appetite is to vaccinate in future for bluetongue serotype 3."

The survey can be found here.