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Dachshund dog walk sets world record
The event was the first time the annual Agria Dog Walk had attempted to set a world record.
Event helped raise £20,000 for rescue centres.

A charity dog walk has set a new world record for the largest dachshund dog walk.

The dogs and their owners achieved the feat at Marble Hill House, London on Saturday, 18 May.

With a minimum of 250 dachshunds needing to cross the line, and an adjudicator on hand from Guinness World Records, the new record was comfortably achieved – with a total of 342 dachshunds taking part.

Television personality, model, and animal rights activist Jodie Kidd and her dachshund Sausage were among those who joined in the walk.

The event was part of the annual Agria Dog Walk, which saw a series of dog walks held over the weekend at three English Heritage Sites across the UK. There were also walks held in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway and Sweden, as well as a Digital Dog Walk.

Approximately 1,500 dogs took part in total and £20,000 was raised to support animal rescue centres. Dachshund Rescue UK, Poodle Network and Beagle Welfare are among those which will benefit.

Vicki Wentworth, CEO at Agria Pet Insurance, said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have won the Guinness World Records title. It’s an incredible achievement, and it was an absolute pleasure to watch so many passionate people and pups come together to help support a great cause.

“We had a fantastic turnout, and we’d like to thank everyone who showed up to walk the walk in the name of animal welfare.”

Image © Agria Pet Insurance

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BSAVA's new president starts role

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 Julian Hoad has been confirmed as the new president of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), taking over from Carl Gorman.

The veterinary surgeon is the BSAVA's 67th president, and has described stepping into the role as the pinnacle of his veterinary career.

Speaking at the BSAVA's AGM, Dr Hoad said: "I really do believe that the BSAVA will continue to go from strength to strength and will continue to maintain its relevance and position as the indispensable voice of the small animal veterinary profession." 

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Rise in temperature means increased bluetongue risk

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has warned that the recent rise in temperature means there is now an increased risk of bluetongue in England.

Although there have been no confirmed cases of the disease since March, the most recent risk assessment found that there is a very high probability of the virus being brought over by windborne midges from northern Europe.

Farms along the east and south coast of England, from Norfolk to East Sussex, are at the highest risk. Farmers are being asked to monitor their animals regularly for signs of the virus.

UK chief veterinary officer Christine Middlemiss said: "We know that the likelihood of bluetongue virus entering Great Britain is increasing and so I would urge farmers to remain vigilant and report any suspicions to the Animal and Plant Health Agency."