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Rare Suffolk Punch foal born at museum
A total of 12 Suffolk Punch fillies have been born so far this year.
The foal is doing well following a plasma transfusion. 

A rare Suffolk Punch foal has been born at the Food Museum in Stowmarket, Suffolk, the first Suffolk horse to be born on the site in 100 years.

The team at nearby Stowe Veterinary Centre were called on Saturday, 8 June, when the mare, Faith, started foaling. Veterinary surgeon Gabriel Vesco attended to check on the foal and her mother.

A blood sample taken the next day found that the level of antibodies in the foal’s blood was low, so she was given a plasma transfusion. Following the transfusion, the foal is doing well.

The youngster has been named Juno. Her name is a tribute to Combs Vesta 4th, the last Suffolk born at the site of the museum when it was a farming estate. In Roman mythology, Juno is the sister of the goddess Vesta.

The Suffolk breed is classified as critically endangered by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. The breed is known to be predisposed to reproductive issues, and Juno is one of only 12 Suffolk fillies born so far this year.

Until the 1940s, Suffolk Punch horses played an important role in agriculture. However, the mechanisation of farming meant that increasingly they were no longer needed to work the land and their numbers drastically decreased.

Dr Vesco said: “It’s great to see the foal and mare playing in the field, both happy and healthy. It’s been a privilege to support the museum in its work conserving this historic breed.”

Emma Lodge, growing officer at the Food Museum, added “Mother and foal are doing well. We feel incredibly lucky to have such a rare breed animal at the museum and to play a part in the continuing survival of the Suffolk Punch.”

Image © Food Museum

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BSAVA's new president starts role

News Story 1
 Julian Hoad has been confirmed as the new president of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), taking over from Carl Gorman.

The veterinary surgeon is the BSAVA's 67th president, and has described stepping into the role as the pinnacle of his veterinary career.

Speaking at the BSAVA's AGM, Dr Hoad said: "I really do believe that the BSAVA will continue to go from strength to strength and will continue to maintain its relevance and position as the indispensable voice of the small animal veterinary profession." 

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Rise in temperature means increased bluetongue risk

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has warned that the recent rise in temperature means there is now an increased risk of bluetongue in England.

Although there have been no confirmed cases of the disease since March, the most recent risk assessment found that there is a very high probability of the virus being brought over by windborne midges from northern Europe.

Farms along the east and south coast of England, from Norfolk to East Sussex, are at the highest risk. Farmers are being asked to monitor their animals regularly for signs of the virus.

UK chief veterinary officer Christine Middlemiss said: "We know that the likelihood of bluetongue virus entering Great Britain is increasing and so I would urge farmers to remain vigilant and report any suspicions to the Animal and Plant Health Agency."