PDSA releases results of Big Weigh In 2024
1,262 pets were weighed as part of the campaign.
The People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) has released the findings of its Big Weigh In, revealing a concerning trend for both dogs and cats.
The statistics highlighted that 45 per cent of all pets weighed during February and March had a body condition score (BCS) of six and over, meaning they were overweight or obese.
This was in line with predictions made by veterinary professionals, which estimated that around half of all dogs and cats were overweight or obese. Veterinary professionals believe that 43 per cent of cats and 46 per cent of dogs are overweight or obese.
Throughout an eight-week period, the PDSA Big Weigh In saw more than 500 veterinary practices across the United Kingdom invite pet owners for a free weight check appointment for their pet.
In total, 1,262 pets were weighed during the campaign, reaching a cumulative weight of 17,802kg – which is equivalent to three large elephants. Of the pets involved in the campaign, 76 per cent were dogs and 24 per cent were cats.
The findings reflect trends published in the PDSA Animal Wellbeing Report, which revealed that 49 per cent of veterinary professionals had seen an increase in pet obesity in the past two years. A quarter of veterinary professionals considered obesity one of the top five welfare issues among dogs.
The PDSA also says that 82 per cent of pet owners are unaware of their pet’s body condition score, which calculates whether they are underweight, an ideal weight, or overweight.
However, the PDSA remains optimistic about the campaign’s effect on pet obesity.
Gemma Renwick, a PDSA veterinary nurse, said: “This is a step forward in the bid to tackle the pet obesity crisis,
“The campaign has reached more than 60 million people so we know the message is getting out to pet owners. It’s brilliant to see so many pet owners get involved in the campaign and start the journey of helping their pet with their weight.”
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