Fresh talks to be held over milk crisis
Farmers for Action and the NFU will meet next week to discuss a future plan of action over the dairy milk crisis.
After more than a week of protests by farmers across the country, Farmers for Action are welcoming the latest announcements by the main milk producers in the UK.
Companies including Dairy Crest, First Milk, Arla and Robert Wiseman Dairies, have decided to withdraw plans to reduce prices paid for milk next month. However, the group has said the decision by these large producers to delay or scrap milk price cuts of about 2p/litre scheduled for 1 August of "did not go far enough".
FFA chairman, David Handley, said: "This sends a very strong message regarding unity in the dairy industry. The united coalition group together with united dairy farmers, supported by the media and general public, have taken us up the first step towards a sustainable dairy industry, for the future of the next generation of dairy farmers.”
Mr Handley said the coalition would meet again early next week to plan the next part of its strategy, which is to find the money taken off dairy farmers during the earlier milk price cuts of May/June 2012.