Disappointment at lack of transport legislation action
World Horse Welfare has expressed its disappointment that there will be no urgent review of the controversial Transport Regulations, which threaten the welfare of horses and other animals as they are transported across Europe, despite the unanimous agreement of European Agriculture Ministers to support a new animal welfare strategy.
On 19th June, the Council voted in support of the European Commission's strategy on the protection and welfare of animals for the next three years, and encouraged the Commission to do more for animal welfare.
However, despite admitting that "severe animal welfare problems persist" under the Transport Regulation and that the law is not in line with current scientific knowledge, the Council fell short of requesting an immediate review of the Regulation.
Chief Executive of WHW, Roly Owers, said: "We applaud the Council for showing a commitment to better animal welfare, but we are deeply disappointed that they chose not to seek a review of the laws governing transportation to slaughter under which around 65,000 horses needlessly suffer each year."
He added: "The scientific evidence shows horses cannot cope with these gruelling journeys, and scientists at the European Food Safety Authority have called for a short, maximum journey limit of 12 hours for horses. We see no reason to delay the introduction of this limit.”