Owners of flat-faced dogs urged to monitor noisy breathing
The number of French bulldogs, pugs, and bulldogs being registered with The Kennel Club has fallen so far this year.
Owners of brachycephalic dogs have been urged to monitor signs of noisy breathing that could indicate welfare issues.
The appeal has been made by the Brachycephalic Working Group (BWG), which was launched in 2016 to improve the welfare of flat-faced dogs such as French bulldogs, pugs and bulldogs.
The group has appealed to owners to seek veterinary advice if their dog’s breathing is noisy either while resting or during light exercise.
A 2022 survey by the British Veterinary Association found that while breathing issues were the most common heath problem for flat-faced dogs, veterinary surgeons estimated that only 13 per cent of owners were aware of health tests such as the Respiratory Function Grading Scheme (RFG).
Dan O’Neill, chair of the BWG, explained: “If a dog has noisy breathing at rest or when lightly exercising – including snoring, snorting, wheezing or raspy breath – owners should know that this is not ‘normal’ or healthy.
“Some owners might not recognise air hunger as a problem, but sadly it means that their dog is suffering continuously from respiratory disease, and they should speak to their vet or visit an RFG assessor.”
Although the popularity of brachycephalic breeds has risen significantly since in the last 15 years, there are signs that health warnings are standing to have an impact.
So far this year, the numbers of French bulldog, pug, and bulldog puppies being registered with The Kennel Club have all fallen by more than a third.
Dr O’Neill added: “The key message to the public here is that noisy breathing at rest or light exercise in flat-faced dogs is never normal and these dogs are suffering. Anyone thinking about acquiring a flat-faced dog is urged to ‘stop and think first before buying’.”
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