University introduces preparatory year
Harper Adams University has introduced a new pathway for students who need additional learning and experience before starting vet school.
The Extended Degree in Bioveterinary Science (Veterinary Science) includes a preparatory year, with a dedicated pathway for aspiring vet school students.
According to the university, this additional year will help students to advance their practical and academic skills, ready for entry to the Harper and Keele Veterinary School in 2020.
The pathway includes two veterinary related vocational skills modules focused on farm and equine, and companion animals respectively. It also allows students to broaden their outlook by studying global issues and their business impact.
Carwyn Ellis, head of the animal production, welfare and veterinary sciences department, said: “This is an excellent opportunity for someone with the required academic achievements who has been unable to obtain the required levels of practical experience to qualify for vet school, to obtain such experience during a structured year for which student finance is available – for both tuition and living costs.
“It’s not unusual for someone to struggle to gain farm experience, as they might not have the connections. But here we have a full working farm with multiple livestock operations, as well as our companion animal house with a range of species, and specialist staff with veterinary practice experience.”
Students wishing to commence their studies in September 2019 can now apply for the new course. Interviews will take place at the end of August.