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New awards celebrate wellbeing
“A good working environment has positive effects on our health, wellbeing and job satisfaction."
Practices to be honoured for their commitment to staff

A new awards ceremony has been launched to celebrate veterinary workplaces with a focus on wellbeing.

The Vet Wellbeing Awards were created by SPVS and the Mind Matters Initiative. They are open to UK practices, branch surgeries or other organisations that employ veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses.

Stress management is a legal health and safety requirement. Research also shows happy, healthy staff have improved productivity and retention.

Dr Elinor O’Connor, a senior lecturer in occupational psychology at Alliance Manchester Business School, helped to develop the awards.

She said: “A good working environment has positive effects on our health, wellbeing and job satisfaction. In contrast, work-related stress can cause physical and psychological ill-health, and in turn compromise organisational effectiveness and productivity.

“Data from the Health and Safety Executive shows that 11.7 million working days were lost to work-related stress in the UK in 2015-16. The Vet Wellbeing Awards will recognise veterinary workplaces that actively support colleagues’ wellbeing, as well as enabling the profession to share ideas for increasing wellbeing in veterinary work.”

The awards recognise businesses that go a step beyond their legal requirements; workplaces where happiness and health are valued, there are systems in place for motivation, staff are engaged, communication is positive, and there is a commitment to being a better place to work.

Entries to the awards can be made now via and the deadline is 24 November 2017. Prizes for each category include two registrations and banquet tickets for SPVS/VPMA Congress 2018.


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Applications open for MMI research grants

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 RCVS' Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) has launched round two of its veterinary mental health research grants.

Researchers have until 11.59pm on Wednesday, 28 May 2025 to apply for a grant for research which reflects MMI's 2025 focus areas.

Only one Impact Grant was awarded last year, and so this year there are two Discovery Grants and one Impact Grants available. Each Discovery Grant is worth £5,000 and the Impact Grant is worth £15,000.

For more information or to apply, email to contact the MMI team.


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News Shorts
Germany livestock import ban lifted

The UK government has amended its ban on the import of livestock, meat and dairy products from Germany.

Defra said the decision follows 'rigorous technical assessment' of the measures applied and the current situation. "If the situation changes, we will not hesitate to take necessary action in response to the FMD outbreaks in the European Union to protect our domestic biosecurity," it said.

The ban was implemented in January following an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) near Berlin. Personal imports of meat, milk and dairy products will remain in place at a country level.