Will discuss the need for efficient food production
An international conference on sustainable livestock is to be hosted by the University of Bristol to discuss the need for efficient food production.
With one in seven humans undernourished and with the challenges of population growth and climate change, the University say that the need for sustainable food production "has never been greater".
The 'Steps to Sustainable Livestock' conference will be held early next year (12-15 January) and hopes to bring together people working in the field of sustainable production to share ideas and develop best practice.
The themes during the four-day event include animal health and welfare, feeding animals optimally, and husbandry systems appropriate for local environment.
“The conference will be a great opportunity for academics, researchers, non-governmental organisations, policy makers and livestock producers working toward sustainability of ruminant systems to share transformational knowledge and ideas, ” said Professor Mark Eisler, chair in global farm animal health in the School of Veterinary Sciences.
Professor Michael Lee, chair in sustainable livestock systems in the School of Veterinary Sciences added: “The conference is a fantastic opportunity to develop strategies to move towards a more sustainable livestock sector globally.”
An early bird rate for the conference is available until 9 October 2015. To register go to: http://www.globalfarmplatform.org/registration-information/.