Discovery may help scientists identify animal diseases that could transmit to humans
Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have discovered that bugs, which can co-operate best with each other, are likely to be able to jump to new species - including humans. The discovery could help scientists identify animal diseases that might transmit to people.
Bacteria release molecules to interact with each other, which help them adjust to their environment. For example, when killing competing infections in their victim. The bacteria co-ordinate their actions by releasing small amounts of chemical as signals. Discovering why some diseases are better equipped to infect more species than others, and therefore could infect humans, could help to predict and manage health threats.
Most new human infections arise from diseases that transmit from animals to humans. Many of these, such as anthrax and MRSA, cause serious infections and are difficult to control.
The researchers analysed genetic code in almost 200 types of bacteria. They found that those bugs that carry lots of genes that help them to co-operate are best equipped to adapt to various environments.
Dr Luke McNally, who led the study, said: "Humans have been able to colonise almost all of the planet by collectively modifying the environment to suit themselves. Our study shows bugs try to do the same - co-operation is important for the spread of bacteria to new species."
The study, published in the journal Nature Communicatons, was carried out in collaboration with the University of Glasgow.
Image credit: Roman Popat University of Edinburgh