Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons launches on-line surve
Veterinary graduates from across the UK are being asked to take part in a new survey to evaluate the role of extra-mural studies (EMS) played towards them achieving their degree.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is asking recent graduates from UK veterinary schools to share their experiences of pre-clinical and clinical EMS placements via a short online survey.
The survey will look into whether the placements are working in practice and their educational value. RCVS has emailed the survey link to all 2012 and 2013 graduates that it holds an email address for.
Christine Warman, RCVS head of education, said: “In 2009 we carried out a review into EMS arrangements and, in light of this, we want to gather evidence on current practice in order to build up a picture of how EMS is now working and the role that it plays in the learning process for veterinary students. This evidence will inform any future discussions about EMS.
“So, for example, we would like to find out what students gained from EMS that they could not have learnt from their core studies alone and gather further information on the process of identifying and arranging EMS placements.”
The survey takes around 10 to 15 minutes to fill in, can be done so anonymously if wished, and should be completed by Friday February 14. Those 2012 and 2013 graduates wishing to take part but who who have not received an email with the survey link should email
For more information on EMS, or the survey, please contact the RCVS Education Department on 020 7202 0791 or email
Further guidance about EMS for both students and placement providers can be found at which includes a link to the RCVS Find a Vet service where students can search for practices providing EMS.