Proposal to restrict ban met with criticism
In a report published today (July 9), the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRACom) has advised that there is still a place for some wild animals in circuses.
The response follows a draft bill, published in April, which proposes to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in England by December 2015.
Whilst the committee supports a ban on the use of animals such as big cats and elephants, it feels the ban should not include all wild animals.
Anne McIntosh, chair of the committee, said: "The ban proposed in draft legislation goes too far in restricting the type of animals which travelling circuses might use.
“We believe that there should be a ban on big cat species and elephants, but it is possible to argue that, for example, camels, zebra or snakes can continue to have a place in the travelling circus."
Veterinary, welfare and conservation groups have criticised the committee's response, pointing out that there are no big cats or elephants currently being used in English circuses, making the ban ineffective.
Currently, there are two circuses in England that are licensed to use wild animals. Between them, 21 animals including zebra, camels, reindeer and snakes are used in performances.
A spokesperson for the British Veterinary Association (BVA), Born Free Foundation and the Captive Animals Protection Society (CAPS), said:
“In effect, a ban introduced on the basis that has now been recommended would be absolutely meaningless for those wild animals that the Government has promised to protect.
"We request in the strongest possible terms that the Government rejects this recommendation and continues with its commendable plan to ban the use of all wild animals in circuses in England, as promised."
Negotiations are currently underway to decide whether the ban could be extended to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland by 2015.