Bittern numbers continue to increase
The UK's loudest bird became extinct in the late nineteenth century.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has reported another record-breaking year for the UK’s bittern population.
Previously threatened by extinction, the RSPB now records 283 booming males in the UK. This is a 20 per cent increase on the results of the previous survey.
The species, recognised as the UK’s loudest bird, became extinct by the late nineteenth century due to persecution and habitat loss. Numbers began to increase in Norfolk during 1900, before sufferign another drop in numbers.
By 1997 there were only 11 booming males remaining.
In an attempt to prevent bitterns from becoming extinct once more, RSPB partnered with Natural England on a targeted conservation effort. This saw the groups creating and restoring reedbeds, creating habitats where bitterns can feed and breed successfully.
There are now 138 booming males recorded on RSPB nature reserves, consisting of approximately half of the UK’s bittern population.
Bitterns remain rare, and are notoriously secretive and camouflaged to reedbeds. This is why bitterns are measured through numbers of ‘booming males’ – recording the number of booms that conservation teams hear during the spring.
The bird has been recorded at a number of RSPB sites, including RSPB Minsmere and RSPB Lakenheath in Suffolk. They have also been recorded at 12 new sites for the first time in 2024.
RSPB has recognised the efforts of its 13,000 volunteers for supporting its work with conserving the species and supporting the species monitoring programme.
Simon Wotton, RSPB senior conservation scientist, said: “Wetlands are incredible places for nature and these bittern breeding success stories are a shining example of effective conservation efforts undertaken by dedicated organisations, landowners and volunteers.
“It is fantastic to see bittern numbers increasing across the country – notably on RSPB nature reserves – thanks to the hard work of staff to create safe havens for this iconic species. With the arrival of spring, now is the best time to listen out for their famous boom.”
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