Final call for MMI abstract submissions
This is RCVS MMI's fifth biennial symposium.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has made a final call for researchers to share their abstracts for its 2025 veterinary mental health research symposium, with less than a month until submissions close.
RCVS’ Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) must receive all entries before 11.59pm on Friday, 28 February.
This year will mark the MMI’s fifth biennial symposium, which will be hosted at Birmingham’s Eastside Rooms on 10 October 2025. It will provide an opportunity for mental health researchers to submit their research and collaborate with other researchers from around the world and at all career stages.
The theme of this year’s symposium is ‘Advancing veterinary mental health research: learning from the past, considering the present, and looking to the future’. RCVS says that the veterinary profession must collaborate with mental health researchers and other allied professions to improve the mental health of veterinary professionals.
RCVS will be sharing the research projects that it believes to be high quality, that also cover a range of topics relating to mental health and align with its strategic areas of focus.
Researchers can submit their research abstract for either oral or poster presentation. The MMI abstract guide provides information on the submission process as well as entry criteria.
Rapinder Newton, MMI lead, said: “This year is an important milestone for MMI. Not only are we hosting our fifth biennial veterinary mental health research symposium, but it is also our tenth anniversary.
“Evidence based research plays an essential role in our work at MMI. It allows us to shape our understanding, helps us enhance policy and practice, and create support mechanisms specifically tailored to veterinary professionals.”
More details about the symposium and abstract submission can be found on the Mind Matters website, including the abstract submission guide and submission forms.
Image © RCVS