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National Equine Forum details announced
The National Equine Forum will take place in London on the 5 March 2020.
Conference to explore importance of human behaviour change

Vets, government officials and leading figures from the equestrian sector are set to share their knowledge and inspire debate at the 28th National Equine Forum (NEF).

The annual event will take place on the 5, March 2020 in London and will cover a myriad of important topics relevant to the equine sector. A highlight of the programme will explore why human behavioural science is so important for the equine sector.

In a session exploring how human behaviour change can make a difference to horse welfare, BEVA council member David Rendle will discuss behaviour change and its potential impact on worming compliance.

The session will also include a talk about colic from University of Nottingham professor Sarah Freeman, and a discussion on strangles from Abigail Turnbull of the Richmond Equestrian Centre.

David Rendle said: “Changing human behaviour offers the key to improving equine welfare in the UK. Veterinary surgeons understand the medical needs of their patients but have insufficient understanding of the drivers of human behaviours which are frequently implicated in equine health and disease. They also lack the right tools with which to implement human behaviour change.

"Looking specifically at the responsible use of anthelmintics, will owners with an emotional connection to an individual ever put the interests of the equine population first? Will striving for behaviour change ever be sufficient in this scenario or does change need to be enforced to put animal welfare ahead of human sentiment?”

The NEF will also include a comprehensive session on Brexit, animal health, emerging diseases, and what has been knowledge has been gained from the 2019 equine flu outbreak. Audience members are invited to participate during Q&A segments, while those watching the live stream can submit questions via social media.

For more information about the event, visit

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BEVA gives RVNs right to vote

News Story 1
 The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) is to allow its registered veterinary nurse (RVN) members the right to vote.

RVN members will now be able to take part in key decision-making processes and stand for BEVA council.

Marie Rippingale, chair of BEVA's Nurse Committee, said: "I am very proud to be a part of BEVA.

"This change will help to empower nurses to speak up and contribute, but more importantly, it will give them an opportunity to collaborate with other members of the equine veterinary profession to bring about change that is positive for all." 

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News Shorts
Northern Ireland chief vet warns of bluetongue risk

Following the detection of bluetongue virus serotype 3 (BTV-3) in England, Northern Ireland's chief veterinary officer has urged farmers to remain vigilant and source animals responsibly.

Brian Dooher said: "This confirmation in England is a stark reminder of the threat bluetongue presents to Northern Ireland.Whilst this finding in Norfolk is disappointing it is not unexpected giving the rising level of disease across several countries in Europe. Bluetongue does not affect human health or food safety, however an incursion to Northern Ireland would have a significant impact on livestock and the rural economy.

"I would like to remind all farmers of the importance of sourcing animals responsibly and ask that they maintain vigilance for signs of the disease reporting any suspicions to DAERA immediately."

Suspected cases of BTV-3 in Northern Ireland should be reported to the DAERA Helpline on 0300 200 7840 or by contacting the local DAERA Direct Veterinary Office.